Staying and Playing Croquet in Figtree Park


In 2021 Hunters Hill Council obtained a $4.7 mill grant from the NSW Government through the Public Spaces Legacy Programme to upgrade Figtree Park.

At the Council meeting on Monday night, March 21, Council voted unanimously to endorse the Concept Plan for the Figtree Park re-development, which incorporates the existing croquet lawn as a feature of the new Park.

HHCC President, Robin Catalano addressed Council, and noted the strong community support for the Club, and also thanked Council, and Council officers for their support.

In the on-line community survey conducted on behalf of Council, 66% of respondents favoured the option of retaining the lawn, and only 31% were opposed. Similarly at the Citizens Panel held in November, the vote in favour of retaining the lawn was 27, to 2 against.

Overall the community has spoken strongly in favour of retaining the croquet lawn, and this has been recognised in Council’s unanimous decision to feature the croquet lawn as part of the re-developed multi-use Park.

On 24 April, 2023 Hunters Hill Council approved a revised plan for Figtree Park with Landscape Solutions being the preferred tenderer . Commencement of work is anticipated for June/July and completion by end December this year. There will be further liaising with the consultant as work progresses.


Citizens’ Panel Report


Croquet NSW Newsletter and Croquet Australia Promo Clip