Citizens’ Panel Report

As part of Council’s phase 2 community consultation in relation to the future usage of Figtree Park, a Citizens’ Panel was held at the Henley Community Centre on November 13 2021, facilitated by an independent consultant. The Panel comprised a cohort of randomly selected community members representing a broad sweep of the Hunters Hill community.

Club President, Robin Catalano and and member Richard Sheldrake AM presented to the Panel the case for the Croquet Club continuing to remain within the Park, and outlined the benefits and opportunities our sport offers to the Hunters Hill community.

The outcome of the process was overwhelmingly supportive for croquet, with a vote of 27 citizens in favour of retaining the croquet lawn, and only two against.

The consultant’s full report is available here: Hunters-Hill-Citizens-Panel-Engagement-Outcomes-Report.pdf (



Staying and Playing Croquet in Figtree Park