Our On-line Booking System


The Club’s on-line booking system has now been operating for almost two years with no real issues.

Your President has sent you an email with the link to take you directly to the Booking Page. Click on the link then follow the prompts.  Select a booking for 2 or 4 players, a date and preferred available session time and your details. You will use this link every time you want to make a booking. Notes are available to assist you walk through the booking process. Also you can down-load the app.

Remember to keep the link where you will find it next time.

Should you need help, please contact any of your Committee members.

For members who do not have access to a computer we will help with manual bookings. Please continue to get in touch with Tricia.

Sessions are for to 2 hours commencing at 8 am with the last session being at 6pm. Golf and Association Group sessions that are for Members only are now operating. These sessions are for up to 4 hours and provide an opportunity to meet and play with other members of the Club. You do not need to book for these sessions. For newer members this is a great way to meet people and gain experience.

Please see details on the Bookings Page.


Croquet NSW Newsletter and Croquet Australia Promo Clip


Hunters Hill Croquet Roadmap to Play